Hope to own the big ball of yarn

Hope to own the big ball of yarn
Deep inside we're all Cheshire cat, hallucinating and being hallucinated.


Because it's dark out there.
And there's but the gleaming moon and the world it conceals.
And because it shows you nothing less than what you've always wanted to see- whether it exists or not.

And you are there, alone, to appreciate it all, and wonder, if you have appreciated enough. And to wonder if you will ever be appreciated.

Friday, November 5, 2010

The Liquid Inside.......

I like them.
I like them because they constantly remind of of the darkness around you- in your world, in your souls and mostly in the souls around you.
Your shadows linger on to remind you of who you are, what you have done and how you will never be able to undo it. Even for that desirable fragment of a moment. You cannot unsay it once you do say it, you cannot forget once you witness and you cannot run once you have reached.
And the more mistakes you make, somehow your shadows become darker until you stand in blinding darkness to which your eyes will never be able to adjust.

Irony is, that as a kid i hated loneliness. It scared me.

"What kind of a kid thinks about all this?"

The kind similar to mine. The kind that criticizes itself too much and therefore was always too scared or too shy to take a step.
A kid who was scared to apologize because she did not want it to look like a sympathy call. (which by the way, I am scared of even to till this date)
And I can feel it all coming back to me, slowly and in a very soothing and familiar way.
It feels like I am home.