Wait is all that we can do.
I mean, when an event occurs, whether sad or happy, we live that moment never realizing the importance of it at all. And when it is over, when suddenly it is a little empty we look back and think,
"God, I was so depressed back then! It makes no sense now. I mean what was i thinking!!"
"I thought it was a happy time. How silly of me to go happy over something so shallow and not realize it was something shallow at all!"
We think our puny, childish, chiding thoughts as mere self-consolation.
We think our puny, childish, chiding thoughts as mere self-consolation.
What happens is we never realize the futility or unimportance of a moment until a moment is lived and cannot be undone at all, it is silly and meaningless but very meaningful all the same.
Meaningless because what is the point in indulging yourself into something and contemplating only to realize that you have wasted and have loved, well, a piece of shit. Or realizing you have let, perhaps the most vital part of your life, go out of your grasp. It hurts more when you realize you have lost something that could make you more than what you are today.
Meaningful it can be because you learn.That is all. You basically learn to not repeat and fall into the same thing again. But then again how much can a broken heart learn when all it needs is repair?
But i say, what is the point in learning if you cant get what you want. If you cannot have your peace of mind?
Can your learned mind help you then?
To find out the answer to that, I guess, I just have to wait.
And wait I will. For "all good comes to those who wait". But what good will it be when you have waited long enough to decay?
And wait I will. For "all good comes to those who wait". But what good will it be when you have waited long enough to decay?