Hope to own the big ball of yarn

Hope to own the big ball of yarn
Deep inside we're all Cheshire cat, hallucinating and being hallucinated.


Because it's dark out there.
And there's but the gleaming moon and the world it conceals.
And because it shows you nothing less than what you've always wanted to see- whether it exists or not.

And you are there, alone, to appreciate it all, and wonder, if you have appreciated enough. And to wonder if you will ever be appreciated.

Monday, March 8, 2010


Wondering WHY nocturnity?... well only because.. nocturnal are those beings who roam at night... n night is that time when the world can hear its whispers..... n i am that being who stays up at this time to hear n be a part of those very whispers....
Night... what is night to me? I mean, what CAN night be to anyone? Well... night is darkness... a totally revealingly concealed treasure... everything is in front of you.. before your own eyes.. yet u cant see it.. simply because it is hidden.... You ought to get the perspective of my life now.. it IS to find that thing that most don't even know exist.. that most think is an illusion.... most who think that this world is not an illusion...
Well of course it is.... I of course didn't believe it initially but i do... it is an illusion because all that we do n experience is directly or indirectly on what we think... n what we think is not in the least always true... an anything thought that is untrue is an illusion.... so the world exists on an illusion....
Well, my blog thingy is all about my quest for Nocturnity... the revealingly concealed part.... that exists.. somewhere or the other...


  1. Kudos to the nocturnal angel for finally entering the big bad world of blogs.. :) You werent my first.. but I am your first follower.. :) And miss superficial.. ekhane o portraying the hard dark front, eh?

  2. i know i wasnt ur first.... well... i shud be sayin sumthin to my first follower definitely.. but what is what i am wondering... hard dark front??? where ws that portray??? i was portraying myself... n if myself appears to u as a gal with a hard, dark front... then i am... just WON'T help it

  3. lovely post!! blasts of ignorance......with a pomp of false pride!!
